You are either a Master or a Victim

December 28, 2010 § Leave a comment

Most people are victims to one degree or another. They are victims of other people and outside situations. And they are victims of their own thoughts, images, feelings, emotions, subconscious mind, physical body, inner child, fear-based thinking, lower-self desires and so forth.

When a person is a victim they are also run by the subconscious mind and they are living in a state of hyper-suggestibility.

Let me give you an example: Someone meets another person and that other person tells them that they don’t look well physically. They felt fine before they met that person; however, later they feel sick because that person has hypnotized them without necessarily meaning to. However, it occurred anyway because they are a victim and as a result hyper-suggestible. They are now sick and it is a massive hallucination. Not that they are not sick now, but the sickness came from allowing that negative thought to be implanted into their subconscious mind and now the subconscious mind has made their physical body sick.

The Integrated Ascended Master is a master in life! The word “victim” does not exist in his vocabulary! He is the 100% cause of his life, at all times, in all ways and all things, and he allows nobody and nothing to cause his reality for him – ever!

So let it be written. So let it be done.

© 2010

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