The value of practicing positive self-talk

July 4, 2011 § Leave a comment

Everyone in this world practices self-talk whether they realize it or not.

Unfortunately, most people – not recognizing the power of their words and thoughts – practice negative self-talk so they keep literally hypnotizing themselves with messages of a negative nature – 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year, all throughout their life. And then they wonder why their life is all a mess?!

Words have power! So the negative self-talk has a lot of power. It has the power to program the subconscious mind with unwanted, negative suggestions.

The Integrated Ascended Master is ever aware of the power of his thoughts and that every thought we think is a lens we see through. This is why he makes a conscious effort to practice positive self-talk. Tools to support positive self-talk include affirmations, visualizations, post-its around the house reminding oneself to practice positive self-talk, and so forth.

© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,

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